Tuesday, September 9, 2008

CMG On: Tom Brady

This weekend in the first quarter of the Patriots v. Chiefs game Tom Brady went down with an ACL injury. It will require surgery and will end his 2008 season. As a fan of a bad NFC East team I really shouldn't have anything against the perennial super bowl favorite from the AFC East. But...I do.
Last season when the Patriots stomped everyone in their path in the regular season, going 16-0 for the first time since the Dolphins like 30 years ago. But as annoying as Mercury Morris was every week in defending his former teams perfection, Tom Brady was an even bigger prick. Each week the country got a full dose of Brady and Belichick's massive egos and it became more painful to watch as the season went on. For the first time in my life, my disdain for the Patriots caused me to cheer for the Giants. I can still remember how our dorm erupted when David Tyre caught that pass.
I think fans of every other NFL team will agree with me when they say they are glad that Tom Brady won't step onto the field again this season. However, my thought after the shock had subsided was what if that were to happen to my favorite team. Franchise players don't just grow on trees. Thinking about it for a while made me sympathize with Brady and Patriots fans.
Oct 10, 2008--Midway through the first period in Atlanta, Capitals left wing Alex Ovechkin collided knees with a Thrashers defenseman. He laid motionless on the ice for several minutes as the trainer's tended to him. Unable to support any weight on his right leg he was supported off the ice by captain Chris Clark and trainer Greg Smith. X-rays later confirmed that the MVP from a year ago tore his ACL and will be out for the season.
I got goosebumps writing that. Not fun to think about at all. It really makes you think about what the Patriots are going through and will have to live with for the rest of the season. Hockey wouldn't be the same without Ovechkin. And Football will not be the same without Brady. So next time you're watching your favorite team play think about what it would be like to have your best player tear a knee and be done for the year. I bet your feelings toward the Brady situation would change.

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