Friday, September 12, 2008

Friday Update

Just finished my last class of the week and I am in precicesly the wrong spot. Rookie camp starts on Sunday and I am going to be stuck in Harrisonburg. Hopefully this time next year I'll have a car and an invitation to come home. But something tells me that rookie camp will go on without me.

Now for the latest news from this morning. Per Tarik, Nicklas Backstrom has sprained his ankel and is walking with a noticable limp. Hopefully he'll be ready to go soon. The half full look is that he was lucky to do it now instead of three weeks from now. WE NEED YOU NICKY.

Also, my face lit up when i read this. Ovie has officially reported to camp and according to Tarik he looks very fit. Not to mention he is sporting red and blue skate blades to go with his yellow laces. I'll just give the link to Tariks blog because I'm still working out kinks of this stupid blog. Here you go

Lastly for today is my feelings about the new "Spirit Squad". I am most certainly a fan of good-looking women in tight outfits, especially if they display the logo of my favorite team. See Alyssa Milano's line of Capitals outfits. Or the women I see at VC in the red women's cut jerseys...unbelievable.

However I feel that the implementation of cheerleaders is a slight slap in the face of 15,000 hockey fans. It implys that the fans don't show enough spirit on their own and need help. And personally, I go to hockey games to watch hockey. I don't need a distraction like that. Plus it goes against the true spirit of hockey and brings us down to the level of the Hurricanes or Lightning. Especially after last season, I feel cheerleaders are not necessary.


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