Saturday, September 6, 2008


Welcome to my blog. I don't anticipate many people visiting but on the off chance someone does come across this I want to keep it inviting. I'll do my best to update as much as I can. As a student, I can pretty easily make free time for myself, so it's really just a question of motivation.

Tomorrow is week one of the NFL season and I'm in two fantasy leagues, so that's something I can talk about. Also, Caps rookie camp opens in a little more than a week. My dad and I have season tickets for the first time (11 game plan), so I'll get into that as well. We have officially completed two weeks of the Fall '08 semister and I still don't understand about 95% of what is said in my German and Islamic culture classes. So as you can see there will be plenty to discuss.

I'm not the most opinionated person and I seldom need to vent about my feelings on any matter. Why do I need this blog again? However, with the election coming up and hockey season right around the corner I think there will be more than enough to keep this thing going before I become bored with it. Thats it for now. JMU football home opener is tonight and I anticipate a good thrashing of North Carolina Central.

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