Sunday, September 7, 2008

JMU 56 - 7 NCCU

Although it was pretty much expected by everyone, 35-0 at halftime didn't come close to telling the story of how bad we beat them tonight. Why would a team who lost to a D-II school in week one schedule a game against a team ranked top five in every preseason poll? You really don't do yourself, your fans, or your players any favors why you drive six hours to put on a performance like that. My hope is that the school only maintains a football program so they can have a marching band they can be proud of. They were in fact very good. I especially enjoyed Michael Jackson machine gunning down a circle of backup dancers.

Also, A round of applause go to #19 for us. Running back a punt for our second touchdown and hanging tough after #5 in white cheap shotted him the very next possession. #5 gets my vote for prick of the week and should have been thrown out on the spot for that disgraceful little move. But I suppose the referees went a little easy on NCCU tonight. There were signs from the opening kick that this was going to be a long night.

Oh well, it was nice to be on the winning side of something for a change. After days of losing at pool, NCAA 08, and sitting through the Redskins game on Thursday, I was desperately in need of something like this. Good thing fantasy football starts tomorrow. Which reminds me...I am currently being plastered with trade offers from the stereotypical "takes fantasy way too seriously, has already add/dropped players before the first game, needs to calm down real bad, highschool freshman" in my Ocean's 10 league.

There's one in every league and it drives me crazy. The saddest part is that both trade offers he's made for me are kicker for kicker. Sebastian Janokazowskiki for my Kris Brown. Then Adam Vinnyteri for Brown. What is the matter with this kid? "We're gonna kill you anyway" he said. One ancient rule of FF is that kickers are a dime a dozen and mean absolutly nothing. Call me when you want to deal Adrian Peterson son.

Tomorrow (today now) is gonna be a great day. I can feel it...with one very sad exception that I will get into in the morning/afternoon depending on whenever I get up.

Note to self, don't get a triple espresso iced caramel mocah at 10:30 right after baconators. And excuse me for burping in front of Amy tonight.

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